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Showing posts from 2021

Mobile Learning as a Tool for Distanced Learning

As future instructional designers, we are constantly searching for new ways of optimising our course designs, making the learning more pleasurable and enjoyable, finding the best ways to help the learners reach their learning objectives, while at the same time ensuring that the retention of the course content is not compromised by simply introducing new technologies, media, or teaching methods for the sake of having them incorporated in our designs.  One such search lead me to Mobile Learning, which I will attempt  to describe (because this is my attempt at things) and transfer any knowledge I've gathered so far to you, my fellow EdTekkies. History Lesson on Mobile Learning To start off with the basics, the most common definition of Mobile Learning, or mLearning, is that it's a way of learning by using mobile devices. If we really want to sound fancy and oh so erudite, Latin always comes in handy - a dead language that's still shaping our language of today and tomorrow - an